General Election Registration Deadlines
- Based on today’s statutory requirements, you must be registered at least 7 days before a general November Election. You may register from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. the day before any Election if you turn 18, become a U.S. citizen, or have just moved into the town after the 7-day deadline.
- If you missed a deadline, you may register to vote and vote during Election Day Registration held at City Hall from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Primary Elections
- If you are a new voter or joining a party from an unaffiliated status:
- Your application must be postmarked by the 5th day before a Primary (or received by your Registrar of Voters or a voter registration agency by the 5th day before a primary).
- You also can apply in person to any Registrar of Voters Office until 12 Noon on the last business day before a Primary.
- If you are in One Major party and want to join another major party: It is a 90-day waiting time until your rights have matured.
- There is no Election Day Registration and voting during a Primary Election.
click here to register to vote
Your voice can’t be heard if you don’t register to vote.
You can:
1) Click the link here, print the form and mail it in
2) Go to the Middletown Registrar of Voters to register
3) Come to the NEAT office at 654 Main St.